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Travel Tools And Tips

While most taxis in the U.S. take credit cards, that’s still not the case overseas. Since necessity is the mother of invention, welcome to an app called World Taximeter.

ALWAYS plan your routes and travel method before you have zero access to internet.

When riding trains try to face the way the train is moving, especially if you get motion-sickness.

Always research water drinkability. Water can be scary if you are not aware. Even showering with your mouth open could mean getting sick in some places. Most hotels cater to taking care of these issues, but still have the knowledge of what you are getting in to.  Bottled watered is usually the safe route to go when traveling internationally.

Protect your trip – Do you need travel insurance?   Consider what you are willing to loose if an emergency comes up.  Protect your travel investment with travel insurance.  Ask me how,

Consider TSA Precheck or CLEAR if you are a frequent traveler to save time at security checkpoints. 






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